We throw off the lie of perfection and cling to our identity in God as we strive to be whole, healthy, and fit. Our goal is wholeness, not perfection.

Posts tagged ‘meal prep’

Frozen to Crock Pot Paleo-ish Meals

I’ve been back at work for three weeks now.  Of those three weeks, we have had grandparents from California (two different sets) for all of four or five days.  Which means that dinner has been prepared for us one way or another for most of the last five weeks.  It’s been great, but we’re not slated to have house guests again until late October.  As our leftovers have been dwindling, reality has been setting in. I’ve got to start cooking again. But the idea of cooking now that I’m back at work seemed daunting and completely overwhelming.  So I did what any working mom of three would do – I scoured the Interweb (yes, another Jon Acuff reference) for ideas.  

Before getting pregnant with the Floyd Twins, I was eating clean – at least 80/20.  But the combo of exhaustion + hunger = anything goes diet has rewired my taste buds, and not for the better.  As a nursing mom of twins I still need to eat about 3,000 calories a day and what seems like a ridiculous amount of protein.  So, rather than trying to go super clean, I’m focusing on eating more real food in the most convenient way possible.

So after doing a search for “frozen to crock pot paleo meals” I found the Paleo Made Simple site.  I decided to prepare 6 of the 7 freezer to crock pot meals (no one in our house is a fan of stuffed peppers). I have no clue if they’re going to be any good, but so far I’m sold on the process.  With the help of my seven year old son, Minifleeze, I prepped SIX MEALS in under 2 hours.  I cleared the counter after every meal bag so by the end there was very little clean up needed.  

 Frozen Meals

We’re having a meal each day this week and hopefully there will be enough leftovers for me to take to work for lunch.  I’ll report back with everyone’s thoughts.  

Do you have any good freezer to crock pot recipes or resources?

Diet Update

The last time I posted I confessed that although I exercise regularly, my diet isn’t too stellar.  I said that I was going to check in twice a week – for some accountability – and share how my eating habits have, or haven’t, improved.  Uhm, so why didn’t anyone stop me and remind me that the 4th of July weekend was just around the corner?  Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, soda (a rarity for me), coleslaw, and the cookie part of two Oreos.  That’s what I ate on the 4th.  Not too impressive.  But I’m not striving for perfection.  More along the lines of 80/20 clean eating – 80% clean 20% not.

I can do 100%.  I’ve done it twice before.  21 days each time.  The first was a Daniel Fast in 2010, and the Ultimate Reset last spring.  So I know it can be done.  The problem is I tend to be a little obsessive and compulsive when it comes to, well, anything.  I know that food is fuel and it shouldn’t be used as a reward or punishment (head knowledge), but it can easily become either if I choose to let it take over my thought life.  For me it’s all about balance.  After almost a year of not “too stellar” I’m ready to get back on the balance beam.

 Here’s my plan:

1) Incorporate More God Food

Eat More FOOD

2) Eat Less Man Food

I’m not a fan of bad language, but I love this acronym. 

Eat Less CRAP

3) Prep Veggies and Fruit

I’m not sure if I’m a Gen X or Gen Y gal, but I definitely know I’m a member of the Microwave Generation.  You know, a slave to convenience.  Ugh, that sounded horrible and stung with conviction.  If I have to wash and cut anything when I’m hungry the likelihood of me doing it is zero.  But if I put in the time before hunger hits, then I don’t think twice about grabbing a handful of veggies or fruit.

4) Track Water Intake

I hate to admit that as a nursing mother of twins I have not been tracking my water intake.  I’m not quite ready to jump back into tracking my food, so if you know of an app for specifically tracking water, I’d love to hear about it.

5) Go to Bed BEFORE 11

This one may seem unrelated to nutrition, but it’s not.  Adequate sleep helps to curb your appetite – especially where unhealthy cravings are concerned.  People have less willpower when they’re tired.  Period.  It becomes even more of an issue if you’re working out.  Your body needs time to repair itself.  Honestly, going to bed before midnight has been particularly difficult for me. Once all of my boys are asleep I work on my many hustles.  If you are not familiar with Jon Acuff, please click HERE.

 That’s it.  I figured this would be more beneficial to use as a check-in system than a rundown of what I ate over a three day period.